Off and on this week I have been experiencing a familiar feeling. It's something that I've felt before, not often, but specifically when I have tried to make significant changes in my life. It's the feeling as though I'm trying to turn this huge oceanliner around, and it takes a tremendous amount of effort just to overcome the intertia, or the momentum of going in a previous direction.
There are so many things I am doing and wanting to do right now, that it seems nearly impossible to fit them all in. So I have been setting my alarm and getting up earlier, and trying to get by on a bit less sleep.
So far, so good, but that plus the exercise plus evening meetings means I am really exhausted by the end of the day. And exhausted has it's pros and cons. On the one hand, I am sleeping better, but I also get these spells of tiredness during the day which I don't like. Of course, perhaps a small nap would help, but that's not practical at the moment.
Anyway, the feeling is familiar enough so that it's not scary. That's good. And I know that the ship is turning, no matter how slowly it appears to happen. I just need to stay conscious, keep my hand on the wheel, and ... steady as she goes.
There are so many things I am doing and wanting to do right now, that it seems nearly impossible to fit them all in. So I have been setting my alarm and getting up earlier, and trying to get by on a bit less sleep.
So far, so good, but that plus the exercise plus evening meetings means I am really exhausted by the end of the day. And exhausted has it's pros and cons. On the one hand, I am sleeping better, but I also get these spells of tiredness during the day which I don't like. Of course, perhaps a small nap would help, but that's not practical at the moment.
Anyway, the feeling is familiar enough so that it's not scary. That's good. And I know that the ship is turning, no matter how slowly it appears to happen. I just need to stay conscious, keep my hand on the wheel, and ... steady as she goes.