Sunday morning, Father's Day 2013.
Slept in late, made myself some coffee.
Settled in at the desk, well-rested and sharp
Seriously ready for the day. Ready to play!
Slept in late, made myself some coffee.
Settled in at the desk, well-rested and sharp
Seriously ready for the day. Ready to play!
Up and at 'em Atom Ant! Ah, you're too young,
Unless you're too old (snicker) to remember.
Undying love for a super hero, the underdog, or
Under-ant as the case may be, who always wins in the end.
No place to go, or people to see, for a few hours at least.
No one to please, no one to tease or judge or bother.
Now is the summer of our being content.
Nothing else matters when you're safely alone.
Dare to make this day special for myself, by myself;
Drive the action toward a successful day.
Don't let anything bother me, let it be
Doubly, triply, infinitely all about me, just today.
And yet, I'll enjoy those that come into my life today,
Albeit in a different and very special way.
Any pleasure, any joy given is gladly received,
All pain and sorrow accepted and shelved.
Yes, this day is special. Not wanting or waiting,
Yearning for some special recognition,
Yelling that I must be treated special in some way. Just
Yielding to what's special in myself, and has always been.
The Child is Father to the Man.
Happy Father's Day to my child, my self, my Father.
Oh yeah, and to my dad as well. I love You.
Unless you're too old (snicker) to remember.
Undying love for a super hero, the underdog, or
Under-ant as the case may be, who always wins in the end.
No place to go, or people to see, for a few hours at least.
No one to please, no one to tease or judge or bother.
Now is the summer of our being content.
Nothing else matters when you're safely alone.
Dare to make this day special for myself, by myself;
Drive the action toward a successful day.
Don't let anything bother me, let it be
Doubly, triply, infinitely all about me, just today.
And yet, I'll enjoy those that come into my life today,
Albeit in a different and very special way.
Any pleasure, any joy given is gladly received,
All pain and sorrow accepted and shelved.
Yes, this day is special. Not wanting or waiting,
Yearning for some special recognition,
Yelling that I must be treated special in some way. Just
Yielding to what's special in myself, and has always been.
The Child is Father to the Man.
Happy Father's Day to my child, my self, my Father.
Oh yeah, and to my dad as well. I love You.