I'm certainly not an expert on multi-level-marketing, and can't really say that all MLM business are pyramid schemes by definition, but as someone whose been around the block a few times, and had some personal experience (my own and friends') with Amway, EST, LifeSpring, Tupperware, Avon, Mary Kay - I think what they all have in common is that the people at the bottom keep bringing in new people and spending their own money on products or trainings, the people in the middle lie about how well they are doing, and the very few at the top make a lot of money.
Just my opinion. But recently I had conversations with a few people who were "selling" MLM opportunities, i.e. sharing their excitement about another easy way to get rich quick.
Ultimately if it sounds too good to be true, it probably is. Doing a little detective work on the web, like Googling company names and products along with the word scam for instance. Doesn't mean it is, but it helps to get some perspective from the other side of the aisle so to speak.
Being successful for me is about giving what I can and receiving what comes to me gratefully. And yes, I am learning to be more business-savvy in what I give. But in order to have a successful exchange of services, I have to really KNOW, not just believe that my service is valuable and worthwhile. That knowledge is not that easy to come by, but once that knowledge is there, then presentation of the product or service is really about truly sharing oneself with the world in order to provide others with what they need, and make the world a better place.
And that's the--my--truth.
Just my opinion. But recently I had conversations with a few people who were "selling" MLM opportunities, i.e. sharing their excitement about another easy way to get rich quick.
Ultimately if it sounds too good to be true, it probably is. Doing a little detective work on the web, like Googling company names and products along with the word scam for instance. Doesn't mean it is, but it helps to get some perspective from the other side of the aisle so to speak.
Being successful for me is about giving what I can and receiving what comes to me gratefully. And yes, I am learning to be more business-savvy in what I give. But in order to have a successful exchange of services, I have to really KNOW, not just believe that my service is valuable and worthwhile. That knowledge is not that easy to come by, but once that knowledge is there, then presentation of the product or service is really about truly sharing oneself with the world in order to provide others with what they need, and make the world a better place.
And that's the--my--truth.