Stranger in a Strange Land is a 1961 satirical science fiction novel by American author Robert A. Heinlein. It tells the story of Valentine Michael Smith, a human who comes to Earth in early adulthood after being born on the planet Mars and raised by Martians. The novel explores his interaction with—and eventual transformation of—terrestrial culture.
I was eleven years old when this was published, and probably in my early teens before I actually read it. It had a profound impact on me--as well as I can remember--since so many things have had a profound impact on me during this long journey.
There were three things about the book that made a lasting impression -
At the moment, waiting is an important part of what I am doing right now. Though there is much going on in my life at the moment, there are also a lot of things set in motion that will just take some time to come to fruition. Waiting is--hard, frustrating, tedious, exciting, anxious and a whole lot more. Waiting is the willingness to not end something just because the results are not immediate, or seem to be different than what was expected. Waiting is keeping my goal in front of me when there are many interruptions, distractions and obligations that intrude on a daily basis. Waiting is.
I was eleven years old when this was published, and probably in my early teens before I actually read it. It had a profound impact on me--as well as I can remember--since so many things have had a profound impact on me during this long journey.
There were three things about the book that made a lasting impression -
- The ability to imagine a better, completely different way of interacting with one another, and a kinder gentler society
- The concept of "Waiting is."
- The introduction of the term "Grok," the explanation of which I will leave to you and your curiosity - Google it if you want to know more.
At the moment, waiting is an important part of what I am doing right now. Though there is much going on in my life at the moment, there are also a lot of things set in motion that will just take some time to come to fruition. Waiting is--hard, frustrating, tedious, exciting, anxious and a whole lot more. Waiting is the willingness to not end something just because the results are not immediate, or seem to be different than what was expected. Waiting is keeping my goal in front of me when there are many interruptions, distractions and obligations that intrude on a daily basis. Waiting is.