The sun rose this morning at 7:12 am here in San Mateo, California. I didn't see it, since my condo is surrounded by nine hundred and some odd other condos. When I look east I can see a faint glow in the sky over the rooftops. Many, many rooftops. And if I had seen it, it wouldn't have looked like the picture, because although this is California, my adopted land, it is still not the paradise of my dreams
I'm not complaining. I love my little studio. Even though after six month, I still have unpacked boxes in plain sight, minimal mismatched furniture and up until a few days ago was sleeping on an airbed. Because I haven't decided what size bed to get for the small space, and whether to dig deep for a decent wallbed--two grand and up. That seems a strong commitment to studio life and geographical stability.
Anyway, here I am at the computer, blogging. Now blogging, in my mind, doesn't have the stature or cachet of "writing" as in writing poetry, or fiction or even non-fiction. It's a form not rooted in the ancient past, not covered with the dust of centuries of approbation and fame, not prone to grand ceremonies and significant cash prizes.
Yet, it has a certain fascination for me, in that it can be first draft, rough draft, edited or not, raw or polished, about anything, in any form or format, and immediately publishable, without begging, rejection slips, contracts or friends in low places.
And despite all the craft, and the glorious efforts of past writers, there is a new opening here, a democritization of the writing and publishing process that is earth-shaking, a paradigm shift from the days of patronage, institutionalization, bureaucracy, and influential friends.
It is now perhaps just a rumbling and shaking along the publishing fault line, a groaning and creaking of the very foundations of literacy and learning. But the shift is happening. And a large part of the publishing industry may very well fall into the sea as California is prophesied to do some day.
But we all must learn to live with change eventually or shrivel up and die. I for one, am ready to embrace a new reality, where I can get up in the morning--wherever I happen to be--and speak to those who want to listen to my message, my stories, my unique wisdom. And create a dialog with those who want to hang out virtually with me as I travel my path.
So, I raise my glass to the Blog. Long live the Blogger, champion of Truth, Justice and the Global Way. Le Roi Est Mort, Vive Le Roi!