I'm baack! Back to the land of the living, mostly. Thanks to chats with friends (you know who you are), and some last-minute attention to various commitments and deadlines.
I've had a good mental vacation, and am ready for the home stretch in getting our next book out. Sent the final review draft out today. Have to get the first proof ordered by the end of the week.
Not a lot of energy for writing, as I'm mostly in editing/production mode. But once this is put to bed, I'm sure I'll be back to writing more. Well, it's late, but I just wanted to say hi. -- Len
I've had a good mental vacation, and am ready for the home stretch in getting our next book out. Sent the final review draft out today. Have to get the first proof ordered by the end of the week.
Not a lot of energy for writing, as I'm mostly in editing/production mode. But once this is put to bed, I'm sure I'll be back to writing more. Well, it's late, but I just wanted to say hi. -- Len