Would you believe that I can give you a complete, functional website in one hour? I can, using the Weebly website publishing platform, named one of TIME's 50 Best Websites, with over 12 million websites built with it.
You could pay thousands of dollars to develop a website, and end up with something you have to pay a service for each time you want to make a simple change. But with a Weebly website, I can develop the website with you by my side, learning how to make simple changes yourself, if you decide to do so.
Of course, not everyone wants to make their own changes. If you are busy doing more important stuff, I can also be retained to maintain the website and make any necessary changes for you.
And, of course, we can't do this in one hour if you really have no idea what you want on your site. But if you have some information already written out, and have a basic idea what you want to say, then YES, we can do this in an hour.
A few of the things we can set up in this hour -
- Home page
- Blog
- Contact Form
- About Us
- List of services
- Embedded video/YouTube
- Slideshow
- Location Map
- Flash presentation
- Documents for downloading
- Forum
- Booking system
- And more!
That's a lot of functionality! We couldn't possibly do ALL of those in an hour, but we can do the most important ones for your business, and then we (or you) can easily grow it from there.
This website was built entirely using Weebly. Give me a call or text me at 1-650-533-0163, or use the contact form here.